Prof. Dennis P Paul

For further Information on Prof. Dennis P. Paul please visit his HfK Website, his teaching wiki, or his personal website.


Working until 67 is not an option for followers of the “Financial Independence and Early Retirement” movement. This interactive web […]

Opening of a Capsula

In the momentum of irritation a crack opens up, revealing something that has been concealed. This process refers to some […]

Öffnung einer Kapsel

In dem Moment, das irritiert, klafft ein Spalt auf, hinter dem Verborgenes liegt. Dieser Prozess verweist auf einen anderen Raum, […]

Type 0+

Based on the technological advancement and the amount of energy a civilization is able to utilize, the ’Kardashev Scale’ categorizes […]

Dear Reader

Dear Reader, eine Untersuchung zeitversetzter Kommunikation zweier Personen mittels Schmuck. Dear Reader ist ein intimer, persönlicher und exklusiver Kommunikationsweg zwischen […]


Hypertrash is a speculation about how browsing the web could be like when industrially manufactured devices are out of reach. […]


The metaPhone acts as a critical comment on our excessive use of smartphones by exposing our needs and by making […]

Nice Nice Very Nice

Nice Nice Very Nice Visual semiotics speculation It is the year 2042. The current Neo-Neoliberal Governmentality is represented by the […]

Dream Explorer

Dream Explorer is a gateway to the ultimate virtual reality of dreams. Being able to monitor the biometrical data of […]

Drum Challenge

Drum Challenge is an iPhone App for drummers, which provides an on-time feedback about the number of strokes the user […]