
The 4-semester, Digital Media master program, taught in English, is a joint program by the University of the Arts Bremen (Hochschule für Künste, or short HfK) and the University of Bremen (Universität Bremen or short UNI).

We offer an exciting program combining theory and technology, art and science, design and informatics. Students from both universities are encouraged to cross over to the other university respectively and take classes outside of their focus. Students do not only take classes at both institutions, they also have access to both institutions resources for a truly interdisciplinary experience.

The course of study at HfK is called Media Design and is awarded with the degree of Master of Arts (M.A), while the course of study at UNI is called Media Informatics and is awarded with the degree of Master of Science (M.Sc).


Depending on your interests, preferences and qualifications you may apply either for admission to the University of Bremen ( UNI ) for a Master of Science Degree ( M.Sc ) or to Hochschule für Künste Bremen ( HfK ) for a Master of Arts degree ( M.A ) via each institution’s respective application portal.

Schedule and Application Process

Master of Arts ( HfK )

Master of Science ( UNI )

All Applicants

International applicants

If you have visa-related questions or if there are problems that keep you from coming to Bremen by October, HfK applicants may contact the HfK International Office at and UNI applicants may contact the UNI International Office at

General Requirements of Application Documents

All required doc­u­ments have to be uploaded to the on­line ap­pli­ca­tion portals of either HfK for Media Design applications, or UNI for Media Informatics applications. This means you may need to scan some pa­per doc­u­ments first. Please en­sure that the scans are read­able but not of ex­ces­sive file size. A res­o­lu­tion of 100–150dpi is sufficient. All doc­u­ments have to be in PDF for­mat. The total size of all your documents for upload may not exceed 50MB, this includes all documents listed below, with the exception of your portfolio, which can be uploaded or submitted via a link (see details below). Make it easy for the admission committee to review your documents. Structure your portfolio well and as often less is more.

If your ap­pli­ca­tion is suc­cess­ful, you will have to hand in orig­i­nal doc­u­ments for en­roll­ment. At­tested copies of cer­tifi­cates will only be ac­cepted if they are is­sued by Ger­man au­thor­i­ties. In ad­di­tion, you need a valid pass­port or a birth cer­tifi­cate for your en­roll­ment. Only doc­u­ments writ­ten in ei­ther Eng­lish or Ger­man language are ac­cept­ed. You are re­quired to pro­vide cer­ti­fied trans­la­tions for doc­u­ments writ­ten in other lan­guages. Ap­pli­cants from India, Mon­go­lia, the Peo­ple’s Re­pub­lic of China, and Viet­nam are re­quired to first con­tact the Akademis­che Prüfstelle (APS) of the Ger­man em­bassy in their coun­try in or­der to re­ceive a cer­tifi­cate with­out which they cannot be granted a visa. In your own in­ter­est to pre­vent any loss of valu­able doc­u­ments use only the elec­tronic submission sys­tem. Do not send original pa­per documents.

Documents required for the application

Letter of Motivation

Tell us why you want to study in our program, tells us about your interests, background, expectations, plans and what you think you can bring to the program, anything that you feel we should know, but keep it brief. One page will usu­ally suf­fice.

Curriculum Vitae

Please submit a com­pact cur­ricu­lum vi­tae (CV), no autobiography. You can de­sign your own for­mat (we rec­om­mend as a pdf file), or use the Eu­ro­pean Union’s of­fi­cial Eu­ropass CV cre­ator. The pri­mary pur­pose of the CV is to give us an overview of your ed­u­ca­tion, your artistic, aca­d­e­mic and/or pro­fes­sional ca­reer and your skills. Be clear and complete, but keep it brief. One page will usu­ally suf­fice.

English Language Proficiency

For ad­mis­sion, you will need to prove good skills in the Eng­lish lan­guage with one of the fol­low­ing cer­tifi­cates:

Your certificate has to be handed in for enrollment. To ensure the timely ar­rival of your lan­guage cer­tifi­cate, do not ask TOEFL or other test providers to send it to us directly. Rather, up­load a scan of the cer­tifi­cate in the ap­pli­ca­tion portals. Later, you will be asked to pre­sent the orig­i­nal or an at­tested copy. The re­quire­ment for this cer­tifi­cate may be waived if the for­mer de­gree qual­i­fy­ing for this mas­ter pro­gram was taught in Eng­lish or if the school ed­u­ca­tion qual­i­fy­ing you for uni­ver­sity en­trance was in Eng­lish. In such a case, please leave a re­mark in the ap­pro­pri­ate com­ment field of the on­line ap­pli­ca­tion portal and pro­vide proof that the in­struc­tion in­deed was in Eng­lish if this is not self-ev­i­dent ( e.g ­for stud­ies at reg­u­lar uni­ver­si­ties in e.g Australia, New Zealand, the U.S.A. or in the UK ).

Certificate of bachelor’s degree or equivalent

In or­der to get ac­cepted into the mas­ter pro­gram, a bach­e­lor de­gree ( B.A or B.Sc ) in a field rel­e­vant to dig­i­tal me­dia ( e.g com­puter sci­ence, sys­tems en­gi­neer­ing, de­sign, fine arts, media arts, ar­chi­tec­ture ) or an equiv­a­lent de­gree is a requirement. It is feasible to apply for the mas­ter pro­gram if this qual­i­fy­ing de­gree is un­der­way and will be is­sued be­fore the first of oc­to­ber of the same year. furthermore it is required to present proof that at least 150 ECTS were in received in that program.

To ver­ify if the for­mer de­gree(s) qual­ify for the en­try to the mas­ter pro­gram, we rely on an of­fi­cial Ger­man data­base called An­abin. If the for­mer de­gree can­not be found there, we will con­tact the Ger­man Cen­tral Of­fice for For­eign Ed­u­ca­tion.

Note that in rare cases the ti­tle B.​Sc or B.A alone does not war­rant ad­mis­sion. in par­tic­u­lar, a merely two-year bach­e­lor de­gree will not suf­fice. Please do not for­get to add in­for­ma­tion about your for­mer pro­gram of study ( such as a Web ad­dress ).

Portfolio, Work Samples

The port­fo­lio may include any artis­tic, de­sign, aca­d­e­mic, scientific or theoretical work, as well as pro­fes­sional work and achieve­ments that illustrate your interests, your ( artistic ) position, your experiences, your knowledge and skills, as well as any other aspect you feel we should take into consideration.

The choice of for­mats is free. There is also no def­i­nitive num­ber of works or projects to be in­cluded, al­though as a default a num­ber of 10–20 works has proven to suf­fice.

The port­fo­lio can be up­loaded to the on­line ap­pli­ca­tion portal ( for ex­am­ple as PDF ), sent via postal mail ( avoid sending original, non-dig­i­tal art­work via postal mail; use dig­i­tal repli­cas in­stead ) or submitted as a link to a personal website, a private upload space or repository. It is advisable to use latter option, because of the limited space available within the application portals.


Postal Addresses

Universität Bremen

Hochschule für Künste Bremen

Email Addresses