Pankraz Piktograph
The Pankraz Piktograph is a mobile portrait drawing robot. Inspired by historical drawing automatons like Maillardet’s Automaton and recent examples […]
The Pankraz Piktograph is a mobile portrait drawing robot. Inspired by historical drawing automatons like Maillardet’s Automaton and recent examples […]
intro The TV MAN is a micro controller based system to generate a black and white analog video, and an […]
SPACEDUEL3000 is a reaction game for two players created during the school of funny machines hackathon. When one of the […]
Pencam is a portable instantcamera with an integrated pen plotter, so the captured images will be plotted onto a small […]
Fizzi is a platform for algorithmic sound synthesis which consists of a circuit board and a software library. circuit board […]
Einführung Fühlen als Metapher für Gefühle. Von unseren Gefühlen geleitet treffen wir Entscheidungen. Entscheidungen die unser Leben, unseren Weg beeinflussen. […]
Das Gammaphon ist ein portabler 16-step Sequencer mit vier Spuren. Jedoch verwendet dieser Sequencer keine gewöhnlichen Audiosamples, sondern generiert den […]