Prof. Dennis P Paul

For further Information on Prof. Dennis P Paul please visit his HfK Website, his teaching wiki, or his personal website.


Unwrap is a device that lets others see which app you are currently using on your phone. The use of […]

A history dreams

This is a movie work which records a performance, that is randomly picking up 8 various historical timelines ( top-left […]

Municipal Bees

‘Municipal Bees’ investigates the relation of man, nature and technology and tries to reintegrate nature into our everyday lives by […]

Strange Recombinations

“When two seemingly disparate elements are imaginatively poised, put in apposition in new and unique ways, startling discoveries often result.” […]


DOWNSTREAM is an interactive installation visualizing volumes of data emerging from browsing the internet. It creates an open wireless network […]


This thesis has started as a part of Quantified Velodrome project, as an exploration of how technology and design can […]

Infinite Identities

Infinite Identities is dealing with the reproduction and creation of digital identities in an artistic and experimental way. How do […]

Graspable Noise

Graspable Noise is an installation that explores an experience of noise in signal processing by experimenting with the boundaries of […]

Normal Procedure

Normal Procedure is a web-based pseudo-game that roams in the bureaucratic realm. Its raison d’être is to narrate the cumbersome […]


Wir kaufen viel ein. 1,63 Billionen Euro gaben die Deutschen im Jahr 2015 für Konsumgüter aus. Tendenz steigend. Wäre es […]

Haptical Exploration

Einführung Fühlen als Metapher für Gefühle. Von unseren Gefühlen geleitet treffen wir Entscheidungen. Entscheidungen die unser Leben, unseren Weg beeinflussen. […]