WS 2012/13


We transfer physical systems into virtual ones. But what happens if this process is turned the other way around? Aerosol […]


Post-war Germany has a deep and complicated relationship with privacy, which can be even further noticed in online behaviors. One’s […]

Die Glaubensmaschine

‘Die Glaubensmaschine’ (‘The Faith Machine’) visualises a transfer of rituals and beliefs by means of a technical paraliturgy. Based upon […]


Hänsel ist ein Desillusions-Apparat. Ein aus Holz gefertigter Rucksack, dessen Innenleben aus einer Kamera, einem Einplatinen-Computer und einem Thermodirektdrucker besteht. […]

Modulares Interface

Modular Interfaces is a physical, haptic extension to multi-touch input devices. Hand-held multi-touch devices, like the iPad, are becoming more […]