We transfer physical systems into virtual ones. But what happens if this process is turned the other way around? Aerosol […]
We transfer physical systems into virtual ones. But what happens if this process is turned the other way around? Aerosol […]
Bark Arcade is an online platform for HTML5 games played directly in your browser. An admission gives you access to […]
Post-war Germany has a deep and complicated relationship with privacy, which can be even further noticed in online behaviors. One’s […]
The Crowd Weather Indicator is a measuring device. It is representing the actual weather based on twitter messages. An algorithm […]
cuboino is a tangible, digital extension for the marble-game cuboro. It consists of a set of cubes that are seamlessly […]
‘Die Glaubensmaschine’ (‘The Faith Machine’) visualises a transfer of rituals and beliefs by means of a technical paraliturgy. Based upon […]
Auf der Suche nach dem Etwas, dass uns dazu veranlasst unser Gegenüber als ein Individuum zu verstehen zu dem wir […]
Diese Arbeit probiert sich in der Grauzone zwischen Videospiel und Nicht-Videospiel zu finden. Was ist ein Videospiel und was ist […]
Hänsel ist ein Desillusions-Apparat. Ein aus Holz gefertigter Rucksack, dessen Innenleben aus einer Kamera, einem Einplatinen-Computer und einem Thermodirektdrucker besteht. […]
Modular Interfaces is a physical, haptic extension to multi-touch input devices. Hand-held multi-touch devices, like the iPad, are becoming more […]
Appearance and interaction design for the ball playing robot, dubbed Doggy. The master thesis New Dog New Tricks presents the […]
[vimeo 64758340] A conversation with s.t.Betamon, who is able to build a time machine. Video, 20:52min, HD, 2013. Probe A: […]
The quantity of global earthquakes is inscibred into a concrete slab. By using data in real time (live data) the […]
Using an ancient medium to depict contemporary aesthetics, The hazy focus of Nature portrays the temporary existence of objects migrating […]