cuboino. Digitally extending Analog Games. An Example.


cuboino is a tangible, digital extension for the marble-game cuboro. It consists of a set of cubes that are seamlessly compatible with the cuboro cubes. In contrast to the passive cuboro cubes, cuboino modules are active parts of a digital system consisting of sensor cubes, actor cubes and supply cubes. By snapping them together, the player can build a modular system that functions according to he individual functionalities of the cuboino cubes.




cuboino establishes a new pathway that is not embodied in the marble, but adapts to the medium of its transmission. Signals can be received by multiple modules, creating more than one signal at a time. This allows signals to intertwine and thus create more dynamic and complex outcomes.

[vimeo 56011933]

For further information visit the cuboino project website.

Featured on Creative Applications Network.