The metaPhone acts as a critical comment on our excessive use of smartphones by exposing our needs and by making affordances for real world interaction inducing us to question our personal relation to technology.
Despite many notable positive effects on society, the smartphone is increasingly misused. Smartphone ‘addiction’ has become a common attitude in our modern lifestyle, while making actual phone calls has become increasingly insignificant. Our digital communication is engineered via applications and online services which introduce a layer of anonymity. Although we network with others, our fascination for technology numbs our social sensitiveness and bodily sensorium. The correct answer is always just a click away. The shortest route to somewhere is always available on our screen. The smartphone tends to eradicate the need to memorize things and interact with the world around us.
Arguably smartphones have allowed for new and formerly impossible modes of behavior. The univocal promise of greater freedom, self-expression and increased effectiveness lured us into this emerging digital world and the lifestyle that goes with it. But our imperturbable belief in the benefits of ever advancing technological innovation blinded us to its pitfalls. Today many social conventions and actions have been disrupted or replaced by passive interaction with our devices. Fortunately in recent years we have witnessed a decreased pace of technological progress. Before the next wave of digital modernization sweeps through our dazzled society, we should use this break to examine the apparent changes and critically investigate the social implementations and implications.
The work was exhibited at Immigration Office in a group exhibition from October 2nd to 5th 2014.