Graduate School + Artistic PhD

Starting in the fall of 2020 the Hochschule für Künste Bremen (University of the Arts Bremen, or HfK) will be offering a post-graduate program of study, an art- and science-based PhD program. more information can be found under

Information about the Graduate School can be found below:

Par­ti­ci­pa­ting Pro­fes­sors

Prof. Dr. Rai­ner Ma­l­a­ka (Spea­ker)
Re­se­arch Group Di­gi­tal Me­dia

Prof. Dr. Otthein Her­zog
Re­se­arch Group Ar­ti­fi­ci­al In­tel­li­gence

Prof. Dr. Hei­de­lin­de Schelhowe
Re­se­arch Group Di­gi­tal Me­dia in Edu­ca­ti­on

Prof. Dr. Ute Bor­mann
TZI Di­gi­tal Me­dia / Di­gi­tal Rea­li­ty and RG Com­pu­ter Net­works

Prof. Dr. Cars­ten Bor­mann
TZI Di­gi­tal Me­dia / Di­gi­tal Rea­li­ty and RG Com­pu­ter Net­works

As­so­cia­ted Pro­fes­sors

Prof. Dr. Bar­ba­ra Grü­ter
Gangs of Bre­men: Mo­bi­le Ga­ming Ex­pe­ri­en­ces and Hu­man-Com­pu­ter In­ter­ac­tion, Hoch­schu­le Bre­men

Scho­lar­ship Ph.D. Stu­dents

As­so­cia­ted Ph.D. Stu­dents
