Master [deprecated]

In dem englisch-sprachigen, internationalen und 4-semestrigen Master Studiengang wird in der Studienrichtung Mediengestaltung der Abschluss Master of Arts (M.A) und in der Studienrichtung Medieninformatik der Abschluss Master of Science (M.Sc) erreicht.

A collection of previous master projects from 2016, 2015, 2014, and 2013 can be found under Projects > Semester Projects.

Upcoming Master Projects 2018/19

Please note that students from both universities are required to visit the Project Preperation Course (M-MA-31) according to their elected projects.

Master Project at the University of the Arts Students develop their own projects during the preparatory semester.

Master Projects at the Uni­ver­sity of Bre­men

The Pro­jects of the Uni­ver­sity of Bre­men for the win­ter term 2018/19 are:

Title: Tangible and Embodied Algebra Games- Rainer Malaka/ Anke Reinschlüssel / Tanja Döring / Dmitry Alexandrovsky


Title: CoCreating a Visualisation Information System / Project Advisors: Andreas Breiter / Hendrik Heuer


Title: VR – Emotion – Intention – Behavior? / Project Advisors: Gabriel Zachmann/ René Weller
