
Jan 27th 2020 – 16:00h: Presentation of the upcoming masterprojects

The upcoming masterprojects from the University of Bremen will be presented on Monday January 27th 16:00 – 17:00 CARTESIUM 001

20.01.2020 11:00h Vorstellung der Gruppenprojekte (Bachelor) für das Sommersemester 2020!

Vorstellung der Gruppenprojekte im Sommer 2020! Montag, 20.01.2020 Ab 11:00 Uhr Auditorium HfK

Auslandssemester Info – Di 25.06.2019 12:15h NW2 C0290 (Hörsaal 1)

am Dienstag 25.06.2019 findet zu Beginn der Grundlagen der Medieninformatik 2 Vorlesung von Johannes Schöning die erste Aulands-Informationsveranstaltung für alle Bachelorstudierenden der Digitalen Medien (sowie Bachelor und Master Informatik-/Wirtschaftsinformatik- Systems-Engineering Studierende) statt. Das ist für alle Studierenden des Fachbereich 3 / bzw. Digitale Medien HfK interessant, die im kommenden akademischen Jahr (Winter 2020/21 – Sommer […]

Presentation – upcoming master projects – Tuesday 22 January 14:00h s.t. MZH 5300

The upcoming projects for the University will present their goals on Tuesday 22nd January 14:00-15:30 h MZH 5300 The Projects of the University of Bremen for the winter term 2019/20 will be managed by the following people/research groups: Dr. Juliane Jarke, Hendrik Heuer, Prof. Dr. Raoni Rajão (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil) Prof. Dr. […]

Gruppenprojekte für das Sommersemester 2019 – Anmeldung ist online

Die Bachelor Gruppenprojekte für das Sommersemester 2019 wurden vorgestellt: Mittwoch 16.01.2019 13:30 bis 14:30h s.t. Cartesium Rotunde die Informationen zu den Projekten, sowie ein Anmeldeformular findet ihr hier

Orientation week

The orientation week will take place from 26.10.-30.10. The programme is organised by students of both profiles. Updates on the programme, further activities, tips for the beginning and contact options are available at You can also e-mail these very students directly: .

Informationsveranstaltung: Alles zur Bachelorarbeit… Di 15.05. 15:00-16:00h MZH 1090

Für alle Bachelorstudierenden an der Uni, die kurz davor stehen die Bachelorarbeit anzumelden.

Conference: “Das dynamische Archiv”- The dynamic Archive 28. – 30.05.2018

University of the Arts Bremen, Am Speicher XI 8, Passage Seg. 7 MO — 17.30 h to 19.30 h TU — 10 to 19 h WE — 9.45 h to 14 h website of the conference

Master-Project-Presentation – Fr 20th April 2018 10:00-17:00 – Auditorium HfK and segment 7

20/APRIL/2018 10/00/H AUDITORIUMIM/SPEICHER/XI the rough schedule is as follows: 10:00 Welcome address 10:15 -11:00 HfK Block #1 11:03 “The Art of Making” 11:23 “Navigation Failures” 11:45 “VR Touchionary” Lunch break 12:30 -13:31 HfK Block #2 14:00 HfK Projects: Exhibition Tour (segment 7)

Semester-Welcoming Session at HfK – Tue April 10th in the Auditorium of the HfK Bremen

Semester-Welcoming Session of the Digital Media Program Tuesday April. 10th 2018 in the Auditorium of the HfK Bremen 10:00 h Greet­ing by the dean’s Office and StuKo Sprecher (speak­ers of pro­gram at the HfK) 10:45 h In­tro­duc­tion to the courses (all se­mes­ters, bach­e­lors and mas­ters, me­dia in­for­mat­ics and me­dia de­sign) in the following order: Bachelor, […]

Hej – start & orientation programme 2017

Fellow digital media students prepared a programme and collected all the information you need for a good start into studying with us. -> Welcome to Bremen! We are happy to have you. This programme is your guide for the orientation days into studying digital media. Visit once in a while to stay up […]

Semester-Welcoming Session of the Digital Media Program Tuesday Oct. 10th 2017 in the Auditorium of the HfK Bremen

10:00 – 11:00 Information about program structure and organization (1st semester bachelors, media informatics and media design) – Greeting by the Stuko Sprecher (speakers of program at the HfK) – Introduction to administrative aspects of the program by Claudia Kessler (schedules, modules, registering for classes at both institutions, access to the different systems, etc.) – […]

Presentation – upcoming master projects – Tuesday 3rd April 14:00h s.t. MZH 1400

Pre­sen­ta­tion of the up­com­ing mas­ter pro­jects for the Uni­ver­sity Tuesday 3rd April, 14:00 h s.t.

Master-Project-Presentation – Fr 7th April 2017 10:00-15:30

07/APRIL/2017 10/00/H AUDITORIUMIM/SPEICHER/XI the rough schedule is as follows: Time Project 10:00 Opening 10:15 presentation of UNI project – Mehul Bhatt | Auditorium 10:45 presentation of UNI project – Gabriel Zachmann | Auditorium 11:00 presentations of HfK projects – part 1 ( 3 pP ) | Auditorium 11:35 presentations of HfK projects – part 2 […]

Salon Digital – 3. Abend 12.01.2016 – Norbert Wiener: Man and Machine

  Performance: A lecture by Norbert Wiener on Man and Machine (2015) – Honowski / You / Debackere The new and rapidly growing field of communication sciences owes as much to Norbert Wiener as it does to anyone. Cybernetics is the term Wiener coined for the scientific study of control and communication in animals and […]

Salon Digital – 2. Abend / Jennifer Lyn Morone: Mine, Mine, Mine!

Veranstaltungsreihe / 12.12.2016 Mine, Mine, Mine! Lecture Performance mit Jennifer Lyn Morone. Jennifer Lyn Morone gives an overview of the background, development, tactics and contradictions of the data economy in the performance lecture ‘Mine, Mine, Mine!’ The lecture will raise questions about the inherent incompatibility of privacy in an information economy, and offer an alternative […]

Inaugural Lecture Ralf Baecker ( 01.12.16 18:00 )

Auditorium, Speicher XI, HfK Bremen

Salon Digital – 1. Abend / Julian Stubbe: Articulating Novelty in Science and Art

Salon Digital – 1. Abend Veranstaltungsreihe / 24.11.2016 Imagination und Material: Experiment To be confirmed / Unbestätigt : Dennis Paul und Ralf Baecker – Vortrag Julian StubbeArticulating Novelty in Science and Art – A Comparative Technography In dem Vortrag wird der Frage nachgegangen, was Neuheit in der Entstehung technischer Objekte ist und wie das Neue […]