Wandern im Wissen

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The installation “Wandern im Wissen” (Wandering in Knowledge) represents current inquiries and transports the information of different scientific fields visually to the stairway between the four floors of the The State- and Universitylibrary Bremen.

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The State- and Universitylibrary Bremen (SuUB) invited the University of the Arts Bremen to contribute to the 350th year anniversary with a design project. Since 350 years, The State- and Universitylibrary Bremen organises and structures information and makes it accessible for the visitors. Searching and retrieving information are the main requests of the library’s visitors. An almost endless flow of information inquiries are obtained and fulfilled on daily basis. In this respect, the students of the University of the Arts Bremen granted an aesthetic and poetic expression to this invisible procedure. In the center of the 15 meters high stairway of the library, a sculpture of folded paper demonstrates the connection between the traditional storage medium and the digital information world. The permanent flow of information inquiries at the SuUB runs through on a vertical axis between four floors of the building. The random results of the inquiries release corresponding visuals of text and pictures which cause curiosity for the various activites in the library. The media sculpture highlights the abundance of the mental processes, which take place simultaneously in the library. The retrieval inquiries result in new collages of visuals of text and pictures, which form an aesthetic translation of the search procedure. The searched words, then, fill the pool of data at the ground of the stairway. Altogether the media installation poses questions about the function of the information in the age of the increasing communicational isolation. In regard to the title, the visitor literally passes through the world of knowledge.

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For more information, visit wandernimwissen.de and wandernimwissen.wordpress.com


Niruba Balsingam, Manuel Dreesmann, Freja Enholm, Linda Freybott, David Grünwald, Andreas Haller, Stefan Ihmig, Claudius Kirsch, Shushi Li, Henrik Lippke, Maha Mahmood, Isabel Micheel, Josef Rissling, Dawei Wu, Marek Mateusz Majewski, Silke Bussen, Prof. Roland Lambrette, Peter Gombac, Eno Henze