as raw as possible
vague thoughts
I like to sit and wait for something remarkable to happen. In Halberstadt they waited from September 2001 till February 2003, when the first chord of John Cage’s As slow as possible played. Before the German football matches Paul the Octopus was an oracle that predicted which team will win. Before the olympic athlete makes a new record, the audience already knows that they are about to witness something peculiar.
Art teaches us to witness and admire a quiet and unremarkable event or phenomenon.
notes on readymade
Readymade is a powerful medium that attracts the attention to unremarkable. But what if we exaggerate this effect by building a spectacle around the whole action of working with found objects?
machine throws the spaghetti, then carefully lifts them up
each time the dropping position will slightly change
aim is to find the “remarkable” positions of spaghetti
the event is observed by jury and AI, together they decide if the position is remarkable
everything is documented with cameras and a “court” drawer
This project is based on the work Carvão Suspenso by Antonio Ribeiro. Performers: Bon Kim, Julia Vollmer. Main assistance: Alberto Harres, Sangbong Lee. Project idea from my cat Toto.
The real life performance event happened once and only once on 20.10.2022.
artistic statement
I usually talk a lot about my projects and have references in mind, but for this particular project i will remain silent. Please refer to these two links if you are looking for interpretation.
[essay on laughter]