Master Projects

Upcoming Master Projects 2024/25

Please note that students from both universities are required to visit the Project Preperation Course (M-MA-31) according to their elected projects.

Master Project at the University of the Arts:

Students develop their own projects during the preparatory semester. You only have to register here, if you want to join one of the uni projects.

Master Projects at the Uni­ver­sity of Bre­men

The pro­jects of the Uni­ver­sity of Bre­men for the win­ter term 2024/25 are :

Project: Dejaview, Research group G. Zachmann (Info)

Project: WelfareComp, Research group A. Breiter (Info)

Project: RoboRoomie, Research group R. Malaka (Info)

Project: Smart Bremen, Research group B. Niehaves (Info)


Registration-Form will be online from  February 16th to February 29th.