Master Projects
Upcoming Master Projects 2024/25
Please note that students from both universities are required to visit the Project Preperation Course (M-MA-31) according to their elected projects.
Master Project at the University of the Arts:
Students develop their own projects during the preparatory semester. You only have to register here, if you want to join one of the uni projects.
Master Projects at the University of Bremen
The projects of the University of Bremen for the winter term 2024/25 are :
Project: Dejaview, Research group G. Zachmann (Info)
Project: WelfareComp, Research group A. Breiter (Info)
Project: RoboRoomie, Research group R. Malaka (Info)
Project: Smart Bremen, Research group B. Niehaves (Info)
Registration-Form will be online from February 16th to February 29th.