Semester Projects

der useable

Das ist was du brauchst! In Zeiten von übermässig ungefilterten, teilbaren Medien schafft der “der useable” Verbindungen die es bis […]

Situative Konversationen

Through simulating a social interaction this project examines the context a conversation is integrated in. The fundamental idea is the […]

Gemeinsame Sachen

GEMEINSAME SACHEN is a collaborative fashion design online-tool that is practically existing as a brand. Each collection is based on a graphic […]

The Receiver

The installation explores an artifact of the fordist capitalist economy from the 20th century, where information was mainly processed via […]


kLUNGTherapy 2 is an environment created for a performative meditation in a sonic installation of breaths, whiffs and respiring “paperlungs” […]


This is an installation which generates feedback noise by connecting two telephone’s receivers. From one receiver it sounds “hello?” and […]

Modern Sisyphus

A machine shoots a steal ball up into the air, precisely hitting a target meters away. The ball rolls back […]


1953 – Exploring Digital Computing is a technological experiment about pure transistor circuits. It takes its inspiritation from so called […]


Bodytalk translates the heartbeat of two bodies into synchronous light signals. The installation has a mirrored setting of sensors and […]

Damocles Drone

Inspired by the ancient myth of the Damocles Sword, the Damocles Drone is a hacked consumer drone, that follows and […]